
Families Afloat | Sail Away Together

Getting ready to set sail on an epic adventure? β›΅οΈπŸ #8

Published about 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 8 min read

Hi Reader,

Welcome to the 8th edition of 'Families Afloat'! The brand new weekly newsletter full of inspiration, stories and invaluable information for sailing families.

If this is the first one you've received - welcome aboard! It's great to have you here. If you want to have a read of previous newsletters, you can find them on our homepage (

This week it's all about preparing to set off on an epic adventure and what you need to do in the lead up to your departure date.


What You Should Be Thinking About This Week

'Everything You Need to Sail Around the World (by an expert)'

Choosing to embark on a round the world cruise is a pretty exciting decision to make! Congratulations!

Now you've made the choice, there are plenty of things that need to be done and more decisions to be made before you can actually untie your dock lines to sail away.

Shawn at Improve Sailing has shared an article which helps give you a better idea of what you need to be thinking about so you can fulfill your dreams.

Read it here: 'Everything You Need to Sail Around the World (by an expert)'.


Where are you up to in your journey of living a life on the water? Hit reply to this email and let me know!


Boat Tour of the Week

I don't know about you, but I LOVE looking around other people's boats! Every week I will share a new boat for you to take a look around.

This week we are touring Adventureman Dan's 1984 11.5m Beneteau Idylle called Adventureborne.

He's are currently in the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.


video preview


Do you have a family sailing yacht boat tour you'd like to share? It can either be your own boat or one you've found on YouTube! Let us know here.​


Tip of the Week

'Best Practices: Downsizing 101 - Tips & Strategies'

This week it's all about downsizing your life as you get closer to your D-Date (departure date!).

We downsized from a 3-bed house with a garage to a 34ft / 10m monohull back in 2017 and I completely underestimated how long it was going to take!

Towards the end of 2016 I started to go through all our belongings, sorting and selling things, and was still going - literally to the last day - when our tenants were about to move into our house (and that was at the beginning of June 2017 and pre-kids!)

It WILL take longer than you think, but, give yourself plenty of time and you'll get it done (and hopefully come away with some money to put towards your cruising fund!)

Read 'Best Practices: Downsizing 101 - Tips & Strategies' on The Boat Galley website for some great advice from Carolyn to help you get the job done.


Gear Review

To help you with downsizing, I really recommend reading 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying' by Marie Kondo.

I am a self confessed hoarder. I really struggle to throw anything away and am basically a clutter monkey.

I can honestly say I think the only reason I was able to go through a house full of belongings and detach myself from them all was because I read this book!

Marie Kondo teaches you how to 'transform your home into a permanently clear and clutter-free space with the incredible KonMari Method.'

It will help you to decide which of your belongings are the most important to you so that you can either choose to take them with you on your new adventure or put them into storage until you choose to return.

Don't think it's possible? Read the book and think again!


Galley Recipe of the Week

This week it's a 'Charcuterie Board'.

Jill says "I like to call them conversation boards. In addition to it not requiring to have to cook anything- charcuterie/conversation boards have something for everyone! This board has a variety of soft and hard cheeses, cured meats, crackers, local jams, mustard, nuts, and fruit."

Jill Thompson shares pictures of absolutely delicious looking food on her Instagram page 'Tiny Galley Chef' @tinygalleychef.

I can guarantee that if you're not hungry when you start scrolling through her account, you definitely will be by the time you've finished! πŸ˜‚


Have you tried to make one?

Why don't you let Jill @tinygalleychef know on Instagram how it turned out!


What's your favourite galley recipe? Let us know here.​


Sailing & Cruising Tips

Who better to learn from than those who are doing it already?!


"Start downsizing NOW!
I can almost guarantee you have more stuff than you think you do and the whole process will take longer than you think.
Also, the longer you give yourself, the more chance you'll have to sell any unwanted belongings and get the best price possible for them.
That means more cruising tokens for once you leave! πŸ˜‰"
Robyn Hawkins - @sailing.mutiny​


We downsized from a 3-bed house with garage to a 34 ft / 10m monohull and I am a self-confessed hoarder! We downsized while still working and I discovered that I was actually pretty good at selling things (which helped us to add THOUSANDS to our cruising kitty over the months leading up to when we finally moved aboard and set sail!) The best part was realising that the more we sorted and tidied, the easier it became AND that we didn't actually need all the crap we had accumulated over the years. It was just stuff. When you get to that point, you start feeling a whole lot lighter. 😊 It's worth it!


Do you have a really useful tip you'd like to share? Let us know here.​


YouTube Video of the Week

This newsletter, my video of the week on YouTube is 'Making the Move: Selling Everything to Live on a Boat' by Making Our Way | Sailing Viā.

If you haven't downsized yet (or even if you have but want a reminder of the process), Sailing Viā's video of when they made the move from land to sea is a good watch.

It always amazes me how much 'stuff' we accumulate when living in a house. If we have the space we have a tendency to fill it. Downsizing really makes you question what is important to you in life.

In the video, Taylor makes the decision of what to do with her wedding dress.

What did/will you decide if you have one stored in your house?

Go and check it out and see what Taylor decided.


video preview


Have you watched a really good video this week? Let us know here.​


Pets Corner

Our furry friends are most definitely part of the family.

Each week, we'll share a picture of our favourite boat dog or cat (though we're not limited to those - show us what other animals you have onboard!)


This week it's Astolfo aka Rocky from @bigfootsailsaway.

"Our new foster dog is adjusting to the boat yard life. His official name is Astolfo, but we like to call him Rocky, because he is a little fighter. He was found in Italy on the side of the road and was severely wounded. He was probably attacked by a pack of dogs, but we will never know what really has happened. It looked very bad for him, but this little fighter made it.⁣
Once his wounds were healed, he was allowed to travel to our home to find a family somewhere in Germany or the Netherlands. From all of our foster dogs that we had in the past, he is the most traumatised and needs a lot of love and patience. We hope that he will find a forever home soon, but until then he has a safe place with usπŸ₯°β£"

Could you give Rocky a forever home? Get in touch with Michael & Claudia @bigfootsailsaway to let them know if you could help.

Want your salty seadog (or cat, or other pet!) to be featured in the newsletter?! Let us know here.​


Cruiser Confession of the Week

Sometimes things don't go quite the way we planned...

Each week we'll share an embarrassing moment submitted by your fellow cruisers so we can learn from their mistakes (and probably have a giggle in the process!)


"When Alfie was just over a year old, we were mooring up and had him tied into the cockpit on the sole with toys.
I jumped off first to take the bow line and once we were alongside, Mike jumped off to tie off the stern.
As we were trying to pull the back of the boat in the last bit we were struggling and confused as to why she was fighting us and heading forwards pushing into the pontoons scratching up the hull on a hose stand.
Mike then realised and could just about hear the engine ticking over.
He looked up into the cockpit and little Alfie had learned where the throttle lever was and moved it – ticking us into forward! I had to quickly jump on and put us in neutral so we could finish up our mooring!
It’s more of a funny story now but at the time we were more confused and shocked!
This is when we realised Alfie was at the age where he was fully copying and absorbing everything we do and he's no longer allowed in the cockpit when mooring up! Haha."
Jessica Airey - @nautical.tripping​


What's the worst thing that's happened to you onboard?! Let us know here. Your oops moment can be shared anonomously or you can put your name to it - it's completely up to you!


Bilge Banter

Complete the following (and get as inventive as you want!!!)


You are anchored in a small bay and some kids come over to you in their small wooden boat. What do you do?


​Submit your answers here.​


Puzzle Corner

It's time to get your thinking caps on.

Can you solve our nautical themed puzzle?!

This week it's an ANAGRAM!


Find out in the newsletter next week if you're right.


Last Week's Puzzle - ANSWER

The answer to the 'pigpen' cipher last week was...


Did you get it?!



Competition Time

Today is the VERY last day you can enter!! Get your entries in NOW!

(Entries will close at 23:30 GMT.)

This month we have teamed up with Kim from Sailing Britican.

She has very kindly offered one of our readers the prize of enrollment on her online Boat Safety Course (complete with personalisable Manual for your boat) worth $347!


To find out more about it (and enter!), please visit our competitions page - just click the big orange button below!



Brand: Sailing Britican

Prize: Enrollment on their Boat Safety Course and Manual (online)

Retail value: $347

Giveaway open to: Entrants worldwide aged 18+

This competition will run: During March 2023 and the winner will be chosen and announced in April 2023.


If you are a brand or company that is interested in giving away a quality sailing or travel product or gift voucher, please leave your details here.​


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Thanks for joining us!

I really hope you enjoyed reading this week's edition of 'Families Afloat'.

Hope to see you again next week.

In the meantime, fair winds and following seas!

Robyn and Dave



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Families Afloat | Sail Away Together

by Robyn, Dave, Erin, and Scrappy

Hi! We spent five years living aboard and sailing on a couple of sailboats (34ft then 42ft). We began our journey as a family of 3 on the east coast of the UK in 2017 and sailed across the North Sea to Northern Europe. After a couple of years exploring the continent, Jersey in Channel Islands, the Isles of Scilly, the south coast of the UK, and having a baby(!) - we set sail south down the Atlantic coast from Cornwall, UK and sailed down to southern Portugal when Erin was only 8 months old. We have PLENTY of tales to tell! Now we're ready to share our experiences and all the knowledge we picked up to help other families get out on the water sailing. Come join us!

Read more from Families Afloat | Sail Away Together

Hey Reader, I hope you've had a great week. Did you see my email last weekend where I told you I'd just relaunched Families Afloat as a brand new website?! Visit Families Afloat by clicking the image above or the links in the email Have you had a chance to check it out yet?! I'd love to hear what you think of the new (and IMO very much improved design! Let's be honest, the last website was a bit crap...! πŸ˜‚) It's still early days for it but I'm adding new posts to it as often as I can. What...

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